Medical Treatment Case

Objective: To report occurrence of any Medical Treatment Case within the Plant during day-to-day activity. It allows user to report, review and approve/reject Medical Treatment Case using the system.

Below steps to be followed to complete an Medical Treatment Case report:

  1. Report Medical Treatment Case: To create/report new Medical Treatment Case. Any employee working for the Plant, who has access to the system (Power user OR Public user) can report an Medical Treatment Case.
  2. Review Medical Treatment Case : Review Preliminary Incident Report(PIR) review task.
    • As per selection of the department in PIR, its associated “Department Head” will be send PIR report for review purpose.
    • During the review task “Department Head” has choice to review PIR with or without Investigation
    • In case “Department Head” review as “PIR Approved & Send For Investigation” than it is mandatory to Identify Investigation Team (minimum two members) by "Department Head". Any user can be selected as Investigation Team Member.
  3. Medical Treatment Case Investigation: Investigation will be conducted by any users who are appointed as Investigation Team members, the Medical Treatment Case Investigation report will be submitted as “Investigation Completed & Send for Review” and it is sent to “Department Head” for review and approval.
  4. Review Medical Treatment Case Investigation & Approve: “Department Head” will review Investigation Report. If report is satisfactory then “Investigation Completed & Recommendations assigned” shall be selected by “Department Head” and Recommendations will be assigned to Responsible Person if added, otherwise the report will be sent to Investigation Team to revise.
  5. Close Investigation : “Investigation Team” shall close the investigation report, once all the assigned action items(recommendations) associated with the Investigation Report are closed by the Responsible Person.


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  1. Go to Incident | Report Incident
  2. Enter the Plant, Department, Location, Place of Medical Treatment Case, Event Date, Event Time, Type of Medical Treatment Case, Contractor. (Plant, Department, Location, Contractor will be displayed automatically when first 3 characters are typed)
  3. To report the “Medical Treatment Case”, select “Medical Treatment Case” option from Type of Incident.
  4. Click “Submit” button to save the data and send for review to “Department Head” of the associated Department (as selected in Report Medical Treatment Case Form)

Note :

  • Medical Treatment Case can be reported by any active user working in Plant.
  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.
  • Automatic notification alert will be triggered once Medical Treatment Case is reported.