Consequence Management


Image 1

  1. Login as Safety Professional employee with user role as (Location Safety Professional, Department Safety Professional, Division Safety Professional, Plant Safety Professional, Corporate Safety Professional).
  2. Go to FRCP Safety Visit & Observation | Log Consequence.
  3. Enter the Log Consequence Management details as necessary.
  4. Fill all the mandatory basic details fields of Log Consequence Management like Related to, Date of Non-Compliance, Plant, Department, Location & Contractor etc.
  5. Click on button, to open the Consequence Management matrix to determine the values for severity and Intention Act (Image 2)

Image 2

  1. Choose the relevant column header & row header cell value, based on it violation of category cell value will be determined implicitly (Image 3).

Image 3

  1. Click on “Submit” button to record the Log Consequence Management.