Action Item

Objective: To manage and track action items(recommendations) assigned to an user in the system.

Below steps are followed to complete action item(s) [recommendation(s)] in the system:

  1. Recommend Action Item against an SHE activity : Add action item(s) against an SHE activity such as Incident Investigation, & Job Cycle Check(JCC). Assign the action item(s) to the responsible person who will conduct it.
  2. Perform Action Item(s) : The responsible person to whom action item is assigned, will conduct and complete it.

Note :

  • Action Item(s) are assigned to the responsible person when user approves any SHE activity.
  • Action Item on completion is not reviewed by any other user.

Recommend Action Item

Image 1

Note :

  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.
  • Action item can be assigned to Specific System User.